Airstory for Writers

4.5 ( 3415 ratings )
仕事効率化 ライフスタイル
開発者 James Briggs

Airstory is the easiest way to send notes, photos and audio files to your Airstory writing projects.

Install the 100% ad-free Airstory iPhone app. For use with the Airstory web app. (Optimized for iPhone 5S, 6 and 6 Plus.)

Made for writers of all kinds.

Whether youre researching your new non-fiction book... or interviewing a celebrity for an article... or taking notes in a college class - install and use this app to send media to any of your Airstory writing projects.

The notes and files you send using this app are turned into cards, which will be waiting for you when you sign into Airstory online.

- Instantly tag a card by adding a #hashtag to the word
- Share photos, notes and audio with Airstory using the iOS 8 (and higher) share extension and your fave apps
- Choose the project to send a card to, or send it to your Card Library (uncategorized)
- Provide context! Add comments to any image or audio file you send to Airstory
- All cards stay private and secure in your Airstory account

When you want to organize your cards into outlines, timelines and more, sign into Airstory online.


Flesh out your blog post outlines by sending ideas to your Airstory projects.
› Food bloggers: send pics of meals, restaurants, chefs, etc
› Car bloggers: send pics and audio recordings from car shows
› Movie reviewers: jot down and send notes about a film straight from the app
› Event reviewers: send pics and audio recordings from concerts and festivals

Send field research, like interviews, to your Airstory projects. Keep using the apps you already use, and enable the iOS 8 (and higher) share extension to send media from those apps to your Airstory.

Capture lectures and talks so you can refer to them when you want to write papers.
› Send pics and notes during in-lab experiments
› Take and send notes during focus groups
› Anthropologist? Send in-field pics and audio recordings
› Send lecture recordings

› Send recordings (and notes!) of your expert interviews
› Send pics of diagrams and other notes on whiteboards
› Send audio clips from the latest TED Talk or conference you attend
› When an idea hits you, take and send notes

NOVELISTS, spot a person that looks just like one of your characters? Stumble into the perfect setting for a scene? Hear a voice you want to mimic? Send pics and audio files of the world to your novels outline.


Just 6MB. Free to use. No in-app purchases, and no ads.

Install it now to capture your ideas while youre on the go.

Currently does not support sharing video files.

(Note that you cannot organize your Airstory outlines in this app. Its made purely for the convenience of capturing research and sending it to your Airstory writing projects.)